Just met Alvin Cheong :D Went to Timah and had my frog leg porridge. SPAM LIKE CRAZY! Bwhahahahas. Aftermath was pool. I tell you ar! I win Alvin! Hahahahahaha! In pool and 9 balls! Woohoos! Alvin 9 balls always lose me! :p Not gonna meet him tomorrow cause he'll be working. SIAN! I'll be missing him :( Bet he everytime flirt with girls without me knowing! Hahahaha. Kidding. Alvin drive dangerously. But I like the excitement. Later I die without people knowing the reason why. Hahahahaha!
PS: People irritates me by going to Alvin's ex blog and my blog just to ask about this and that. Come on lah. They're past tenses. She's having her blissful love life while I'm happy with mine. Mind your own business please. We both are not at loggerheads with each other. Neither am I be sensitive about her. And lastly, I DON'T HATE HER. If she smiles at me, I'll smile back. So, stop your nonsense.
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