Hehe. My iPhone wallpaper. I like this photo a lot! :D
Hello stalkers. Since I got time on my hands, I shall update. Hehe. I slept over at Dearling's house yesterday and got home early as my stomach was hurting like mad. It was so pain that I cried. Damn. So dearling got worriedand sent me home first. He's coming over to me house later to take care of me :D
Alrights. Saturday was car outs with Wyman! :D Dearling drove and Wyman drove too :D Saturday was kinda screwed up. Went to the Promontory @ Marina bay and the carpark was 8 dollars per hour -'- The carpark got free carwash or free service cars isit?! So expensive.
So dearling was pissed off. At first he can't find where is the Promontory and then the carpark was so expensive. Aftermath, we went to Dbg. Cashcard almost not enough money for the ERP as Cashcard wasn't top up thinking that there was enough but then that stupid carpark suck our money like vampire. Luckily left around 3 bucks. And it was enough to go Dbg. And dearling was pissed, again. LOL.
So top up cashcard and watch RESIDENT EVIL! :D Hehe. Even I don't play the game, the movie is real interesting. THUMBS UP! :D So before movie, we saw Raymond at Dbg's arcade. Went to eat with him and I started to camwhore like mad, AGAIN! Hehe.
Alrights. Then Wyman called and said going Timah for supper and play LAN. And when dearling told me that, I told dearling " Play your lanjiao want or not? " I DON'T PLAY LAN! -.- So we drove and realised there's no oil. And dearling can't find any petrol station. And I called Shin to ask wyman is there any petrol station nearby. And We found shell.
And dearling suddenly " F U C K " and we say SPC opposite shell petrol station. Spc petrol is always the petrol for the car. Can't keep changing oil or else the car would spoilt. So yeah. Dearling was like " Today is really a fucking screwed up day " And I was freak out by his attitude for the whole day :( He was like really emo/pissed/fuck up/attitude or whatever you called that. I was trying so hard to console him lah! Hehe. See dearling! I'm so nice! :x
PRINCESS necklace :D
Went timah ate and I finally gave in and play lan. Played Quake and L4D2. And I straight vomit after that few rounds due to not used to my computer screen turning and turning like I'm in a washing machine like that. LOL.
Hmmm. I guess that should be all. I'm not sure what to blog either. Hahahahaha. And I like my hairrrrrrrrrrrr! :D Hahahahahaha. Sian. Very long never blogshop. I felt like blogshopping but I got no moneyyyyyyyy. Sian. Any job to introduce to me? ): I felt so broke.
-Abrupt ends.-